
NEC’s Highlights 2019

We are riding high on many notable triumphs through 2019! Here's a selection of them.....

Our silent projectors continue to win industry recognition, our bartype display brings a new screen format to our line up and our dvLED bundles are making this state of the art technology accessible, off-the-shelf. The outlook is encouraging as we look forward to sharing our vision with you at ISE 2020!


P Series Laser Projectors

Despite being super-silent, our P Series laser projectors are creating a lot of noise!

Already winning two industry awards and shortlisted for another, these innovative projectors are breaking new ground for collaborative environments and meeting spaces.

Find out what all the noise is about:    P Series Laser Projectors


MultiSync BT421 Bartype Display

Making use of otherwise unusable space, this ultra-wide display brings a new format to transport and retail signage. On height restricted ceilings, mounted on pillars, along corridors or beside shelving; the bartype display offers creative choices with excellent flexibility.

Discover its space saving features:    BT421


dvLED FA and FE Series Bundles

This year saw NEC launch two new dvLED series as off-the-shelf bundled solutions for easy installation. The FE (Essential) range and the FA (Advanced) range with full redundancy for critical applications are available in a choice of sizes and pixel pitches. Get ready for maximum impact!

Read more about the FA Series:    LED FA Bundles Indoor Brochure


Get an insight into our entire product portfolio with the latest edition of the NEC product overview

Download product overview:   Product Overview