
Multimedia exhibition at the V.I. Vernadsky State Geological Museum of the RAS

In order to make a museum visit engaging and interesting for a greater number of people, contemporary exhibitions and displays have been making ever more use of digital technologies.

Descriptions of exhibits are becoming more interactive and engaging thanks to the introduction of big screens and display panels, projections, and other audio-visual solutions. Russian museums and exhibitions, too, are keeping abreast of global trends.

Today the Vernadsky natural-science museum is dynamically engaged in its activities – as a museum of the RAS, the museum continues to be an important base for research and educational initiatives.

Scientists and staff still conduct geological research, participate in federal and international programmes, and put on exhibitions using modern, cutting-edge technology.

The new multimedia exhibition “Earth History: a Geological Perspective” at the V.I. Vernadsky SGM tells visitors about the formation and evolution of our planet.

The beauty and spectacle of the exhibition are provided by the screens supplementing the core exhibits, which give visitors the opportunity to immerse themselves in the world of history and geology with the help of digital solutions.

Images are projected onto them using NEC P525UL laser projectors.

Thanks to the exceptionally low 22dB noise level, the P525UL operates more quietly than the ticking of a watch, and laser technology enables the device’s service life to be extended to 20,000 hours.


As a result of the integration of Sharp/NEC solutions, the Vernadsky natural-science museum has illustrated not only the historical evolution of our planet and civilisation but has also shown the result of this evolution in the form of Sharp NEC Display Solutions.

The V.I. Vernadsky State Geological Museum of the Russian Academy of Sciences SGM RAS, the first natural-science museum in Moscow, is the oldest cultural-education and scientific-learning centre in Russia. The history of the V.I. Vernadsky SGM dates back to the mid-18th century.
