What catches the eye at the entrance to the Douglas store in Munich is a 2.1 meter wide and 6.12 meter high videowall, which immediately attracts the attention of the customers.
It consists of 24 NEC MultiSync® X461UNV Displays with a total resolution of 5760 x 2160 Pixels. The entire image space can be used to provide one full-size picture or can be divided into four or five split screens, which can show either different or the same content. The extremely high-resolution display requires content specially designed and produced for the videowall.
The installation of the wall was carried out by mms mainstream media solutions GmbH in cooperation with InoNet Computer GmbH, which has implemented a complete digital signage network for the Douglas Parfümerie GmbH using its digital signage IMS (Intelligent Media System) software. The videowall controller comes from the Magnius-1 family produced by the InoNet Computer GmbH.
Douglas is planning to install further videowalls in all its flagship stores.