"Learning in Future Education" – The LiFE 1 Project Reveals the Impact of 3D on Pupil's Learning
Case Studies
Technical Articles and Whitepapers
Film Clips
Press Coverage
Dutch: Jeugdjournaal: Biology class in 3D NOS.nl: Biology class in 3D Omroep West, radio show ‘West comes home’: School in Delft teaches in 3D Radio538, radio show ‘Evers staat op’: Students learn more with 3D glasses than with oldschool blackboard 3DTV Magazine: 3D lessons provide students higher scores NU JIJ: 3D lessons provide students higher scores RTL, national television channel: Education in 3D is effective Editie NL, television: ‘Education in 3D is fun’ Delft Internet Courant: Education in 3D is effective RTL Boulevard: Gadgets top 3
German: Ibusiness.de: 3D Studie: Unterricht mit 3D-Inhalten verdoppelt das Engagement der Schüler Checkpoint-elearning.de: Bessere Lernergebnisse im Unterricht dank 3D-Projektion initiative mittelstand: Bessere Lernergebnisse im Unterricht dank 3D-Projektionen Bsozd.com: Bessere Lernergebnisse im Unterricht dank 3D-Projektionen AV news: TI Studie zeigt Vorteile des 3D Lernens Sott.net: Bessere Lernergebnisse im Unterricht dank 3D-Projection channelpartner.de: 3D-Projektoren im Unterricht verdoppeln die Aufmerksamkeit PRAD: Pilotprojekt: Unterricht mit 3D-Inhalten verdoppelt Engagement von Schülern
Italian: Ayrion.it: 3D technology adoption improves learning Digital News Channel: 3D technology adoption improves learning Tecnologo per caso: Research by Texas Instruments –DLP products: 3D technology adoption improves learning Primapress: Texas Instruments: 3D adoption in the classrooms improves learning 9 Colonne: School: 3 D improves performances Libero.it: 3Dadoption in the classrooms improves learning levels Efestivals.biz: 3D technology adoption in the classrooms improves learning Virgilio.it: Texas Instruments: 3D adoption in the classrooms improves learning The Daily Bit: One, two, three learning with 3D technology Tutto Scuola: Research on 3D as learning tool Apprendimentorapido.it: Yesto 3D technology Zapster.it: 3D in schools improves learning
Swedish: IDG: "Skollektioner i 3d höjer kunskapen" NyTeknik: 3d trimmar inlärningen ElektronikBranschen: 3D förbättrar studenters lärande TeknikFreak: 3D-lektioner förbättrar studenters lärande och resultat TeknikFreak: Elever dubbelt så engagerade vid 3D-undervisning Webfinanser.com: Elever dubbelt så engagerade vid 3D-undervisning Ljud & Bild: 3D har positiv inverkan på lärandet VerkstadsForum.se: 3D i undervisningen för dubblade elevernas engagemang Dagens Nyheter: Skolor testar 3D- teknik |