NEC Display Solutions signs global partnership with UC Workspace to further optimise collaborative working

Global Platinum Partner status brings new functionality to NEC’s second generation InfinityBoard® solution


Munich, 7 June 2019NEC Display Solutions and UC Workspace, a global leader in workspace solutions, announced today NEC Display Solutions’ Platinum Partner status with UC Workspace Quicklaunch. The Quicklaunch meeting application is customised for use with NEC's innovative InfinityBoard® solution and is conferencing provider agnostic. The solution is designed for easy use and delivers optimised integration with the not only NEC, but also its ecosystem partners.

“NEC Display Solutions prides itself in being a leader in the collaborative workspace,” said Andreas Biss, Manager Business Development Solutions at NEC Display Solutions Europe. “That's why we are pleased to announce this global partnership that delivers full workspace solutions that don’t lock our customers into a single conferencing provider or a single set of applications.”

Quicklaunch was developed to meet the diverse needs of customers in the ever-changing meeting room and now workspace environments. The solution supports one-click join for over 30 meeting providers along with the ability to launch applications, share devices and more all within a secured environment.

“The workspaces and meeting rooms are changing and thus the demands of our customers,” says Angela Hlavka, CEO of UC Workspace. “The solution bundle from NEC which includes Quicklaunch allows both organisations to evolve with them, offering an easy, flexible and powerful solution that can be used not only on interactive displays but also with other NEC displays and projectors.”

With flexibility and security at its core, the modular design of the Quicklaunch application is ideal for NEC’s next-generation InfinityBoard®. An all-in-one resource than enables teams to collaborate using the very latest applications with the best viewing experience.

The partnership between NEC Display Solutions and UC Workspace is in response to growing customer requirements and the global nature of fast-growing collaborative workspaces. The Platinum Partnership represents the high level of strategic relationship that not only optimises Quicklaunch for the NEC InfinityBoard® platform but provides the opportunity to uniquely expand its capabilities.

“Quicklaunch provides the easy to use flexible secure interface to the organisations applications and meeting needs,” Biss added. “As their needs continue to evolve and grow, NEC Display Solutions will continue to deliver innovative interactive display solutions, commercial displays and projectors that meet the demanding 24/7 requirements of the industry.”

The Quicklaunch meeting application will be showcased together with the NEC InfinityBoard® at the NEC stand 1600 at InfoComm 2019 on the 12-14th of June in Orlando, US.

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Dodatkowych informacji udzielają:

Mariusz Orzechowski
NEC Display Solutions Europe GmbH
Tel.: 12 614 53 53

Anna Wrzesińska
Lucky Monday PR&Events
Tel.: 691 769 463

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NEC Display Solutions Europe GmbH z europejską siedzibą w Monachium w Niemczech odpowiada za działania firmy na obszarze EMEA. Dzięki korzyściom biznesowym, jakie niesie za sobą dostęp do wiedzy i technologii NEC Corporation oraz własnemu działowi badawczo-rozwojowemu, firma jest jednym z największych światowych dostawców oferując najszersze na rynku portfolio produktów do wyświetlania obrazu. Firma posiada szeroką ofertę monitorów, od podstawowych do profesjonalnych i specjalistycznych, takich jak np. wielkoformatowe monitory do zastosowań reklamy cyfrowej (Digital Signage), monitory graficzne oraz medyczne. Oferta projektorów obejmuje produkty do różnych zastosowań, od lekkich przenośnych projektorów, poprzez projektory biznesowe, dla edukacji, projektory 3D, aż do urządzeń do pracy ciągłej (np. w systemach POS) i cyfrowych projektorów kinowych. Prezesem i CEO NEC Display Solutions Europe jest Bernd Eberhardt.

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