NEC brings epic cinema experiences to Spazio Cines

Display experts equip seven theatres with industry-leading laser cinema projectors for stunning visuals


Munich, 22 November 2019NEC Display Solutions Europe announces the completion of a new project with Spanish cinema Spazio Cines that brings stunning visuals to the silver screen while delivering significant operational savings.

NEC has deployed its industry-leading laser projectors in seven theatres at Spazio Cines’ new cinema in Parla near Madrid.

The new projectors combine vibrant colours with exceptional image quality for a stunning audience experience – and the benefits don’t stop there. The two types of projector selected for the project, NC1000C and NC1201L, ensure lower total cost of ownership and easier maintenance, resulting in lower lifetime costs and less downtime.

The NC1000C features easy lamp replacement, lower lamp cost and simple servicing. Meanwhile, the NC1201L features a filter-free design with a sealed optical engine which requires virtually zero maintenance and no lamp or filter replacement costs.

NEC’s integration partner CinemaNext Spain, together with Spazio Cines chose NEC based on the company’s long pedigree in cinema and its range of high-quality projectors which are suitable for every screen size.

Raúl Serrano, partner at SPAZIO SALAS DE CINE, said, “We were impressed with NEC’s projector range which provides brilliant imagery with high uniformity which is so important to creating a stunning experience. Our new projectors are extremely easy to maintain, so we will spend less time and money on maintenance while increasing each theatre’s availability to show movies, making them a very attractive investment.”

“What’s more, the new projectors are incredibly flexible – they are easy to install anywhere and have a range of great integrated features that will help us manage our content more effectively.”

“With so much pressure from on-demand film and TV services, cinemas are discovering how to recapture the magic of the movies, and delivering stunning, next-generation imagery is a key part of cinema’s renaissance,” said Adrián Villarroya, Sales Account Manager at CinemaNext Spain. “This is only possible with cutting edge technology like NEC’s innovative and compact projectors, which is why they are such an important partner for us.”

“Spain’s film industry is thriving, with box office takings from Spanish films shown outside the country rising by 20 per cent in 2017,” said Alain Chamaillard, Head of Digital Cinema at NEC Display Solutions Europe. “But this success must be backed up by creating stunning and memorable cinema experiences for the Spanish public. With CinemaNext Spain, we have a longstanding partner that understands how to use our projectors and products for the best possible impact, helping theatres like Spazio Cines to attract a new generation of moviegoers.”

For more information on NEC’s Digital Cinema Solutions, including display technologies for everywhere from the foyer to the auditorium, please visit:

Dodatkowych informacji udzielają:

Mariusz Orzechowski
NEC Display Solutions Europe GmbH
Tel.: 12 614 53 53

Anna Wrzesińska
Lucky Monday PR&Events
Tel.: 691 769 463

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NEC Display Solutions Europe GmbH z europejską siedzibą w Monachium w Niemczech odpowiada za działania firmy na obszarze EMEA. Dzięki korzyściom biznesowym, jakie niesie za sobą dostęp do wiedzy i technologii NEC Corporation oraz własnemu działowi badawczo-rozwojowemu, firma jest jednym z największych światowych dostawców oferując najszersze na rynku portfolio produktów do wyświetlania obrazu. Firma posiada szeroką ofertę monitorów, od podstawowych do profesjonalnych i specjalistycznych, takich jak np. wielkoformatowe monitory do zastosowań reklamy cyfrowej (Digital Signage), monitory graficzne oraz medyczne. Oferta projektorów obejmuje produkty do różnych zastosowań, od lekkich przenośnych projektorów, poprzez projektory biznesowe, dla edukacji, projektory 3D, aż do urządzeń do pracy ciągłej (np. w systemach POS) i cyfrowych projektorów kinowych. Prezesem i CEO NEC Display Solutions Europe jest Bernd Eberhardt.

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