NEC launches new range of Direct View LED solutions to revolutionise the way you display

New dvLED screens provide large-scale and plug-and-play visualisation in even the brightest environments


Munich, 6 November 2019NEC Display Solutions Europe today announced two new ranges of Direct View LED screens that will enable any business to deploy high-resolution, dynamic content in any environment.

NEC’s FE Series LED Bundles are complete solutions for different-sized screens starting at 110’’, ranging from 1.2mm to 3.5mm pixel pitch for the sharpest resolution up to ultra-HD (UHD). Equally capable of wall-mounted or free-standing installation, the solutions deliver great visualisation for clean and seamless installation wherever businesses need it.

The LED FE Series is perfect for business applications such as large-scale presentation displays and conferencing screens as well as video walls in auditoriums – all without a distracting bezel. The bundles deliver everything needed for wall-mounted installation and instant set-up. With its flush backside and internal-only cabling, the FE Series is designed for full front maintenance and can be installed extremely close to the wall for more space as there is no need for heat management.

NEC’s LED A Series digital poster is an ultra-slim and lightweight display designed for mobile signage and wayfinding applications. It is perfectly suited to replace roll-up banners in event and retail environments. The A Series features true ‘plug-and-play’ operation thanks to its integrated media player, enabling businesses to deploy instant playback of images and video content.

In addition, the LED A Series is designed to be extremely robust and is finished with a protective layer to ensure it cannot be accidentally damaged when installed in busy public areas, ensuring protection and longevity for your investment. Meanwhile, both the LED FE and A Series feature high contrast levels in even the brightest environments.

“Digitalisation has led industries, from retail to transport and corporates, to seek technologies that provide compelling visualisation in a wide range of settings, and in a way that’s sustainable, power-efficient and high-quality,” said Tobias Augustin, Manager Product Management at NEC Display Solutions Europe.

“With the new LED FE and A Series, NEC has combined German engineering with Japanese quality control to create a range of robust screen solutions that are perfect for so many applications, from video walls for presentation and infotainment to mobile, dynamic wayfinding and advertising in airports and retail stores. By deploying dvLED, quality viewing experiences are created for everyone, displaying dynamic and compelling content that demands attention.”

After the acquisition of S[quadrat] in 2018, NEC’s LED solutions are the result of an intensive product development process, driven by the needs of NEC’s customers around LED technology. To ease the transition within the AV sector, NEC offers both a standardised package solution for easy installation, and a plug-and-play solution for the easiest initial operation.

Both the LED FE and A Series are complemented by a strong services network with optional additional service offerings through NEC ServicePLUS.

For further information on the new NEC LED FE and A Series, visit:

Dodatkowych informacji udzielają:

Mariusz Orzechowski
NEC Display Solutions Europe GmbH
Tel.: 12 614 53 53

Anna Wrzesińska
Lucky Monday PR&Events
Tel.: 691 769 463

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NEC Display Solutions Europe GmbH z europejską siedzibą w Monachium w Niemczech odpowiada za działania firmy na obszarze EMEA. Dzięki korzyściom biznesowym, jakie niesie za sobą dostęp do wiedzy i technologii NEC Corporation oraz własnemu działowi badawczo-rozwojowemu, firma jest jednym z największych światowych dostawców oferując najszersze na rynku portfolio produktów do wyświetlania obrazu. Firma posiada szeroką ofertę monitorów, od podstawowych do profesjonalnych i specjalistycznych, takich jak np. wielkoformatowe monitory do zastosowań reklamy cyfrowej (Digital Signage), monitory graficzne oraz medyczne. Oferta projektorów obejmuje produkty do różnych zastosowań, od lekkich przenośnych projektorów, poprzez projektory biznesowe, dla edukacji, projektory 3D, aż do urządzeń do pracy ciągłej (np. w systemach POS) i cyfrowych projektorów kinowych. Prezesem i CEO NEC Display Solutions Europe jest Bernd Eberhardt.

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W oparciu o średniookresowy plan zarządzania na rok 2015, Grupa NEC na całym świecie zapewnia „Rozwiązania dla społeczeństwa”, promując bezpieczeństwo, efektywność i równość społeczną. Pod hasłem „Orchestrating a brighter world” NEC dąży do rozwiązania szeregu trudnych kwestii i stworzenia nowej społecznej wartości dla zmieniającego się świata jutra.

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