NEC launches entry-level all-in-one Collaboration Board Series and wireless presentation tool for group collaboration

‘Plug and play’ CB Series provides an instant collaboration solution with built-in whiteboard functionality and wireless screen sharing with Mosaic Connect


Munich, 24 October 2019NEC Display Solutions Europe has launched an all-in-one presentation and collaboration tool to meet the increased demand for modern display technology equipment. The Collaboration Board (CB) Series delivers wireless presentation in meeting spaces, instant meeting start-up and interactive capabilities for attendees.

The CB Series comes with NEC’s Mosaic Connect, a wireless presentation solution that enables multiple users to wirelessly stream content from their devices to a main meeting room display. The solution is also available standalone: the Mosaic Connect Box.

The entry-level CB Series meets the needs of the modern workforce by providing the crucial link to colleagues and clients. It is ideal for applications in higher education and in corporate meeting rooms.

The CB Series comes equipped with its own embedded computing unit, without the need for a laptop or CPU. It also provides the embedded Whiteboard Mosaic Canvas and visual presentation tools, as part of a live display.

The device is simple to operate and users can be up and running within seconds – eliminating the lengthy set-up times and intermittent connectivity provided by other presentation systems. With the embedded MediaPlayer, it can also provide instant video playback.

Available in 65”, 75” and 86” screen sizes, the CB Series provides UHD resolution and interactivity for up to 20 simultaneous touchpoints. Up to four participants can connect and present from any device, Windows 10, Mac OS, iOS, Android or Chrome browser using NEC’s Mosaic Connect.

Mosaic Connect enables meeting participants to connect, no matter what network they are using. With this approach, a company’s network security is safe, since guests are able to connect also from the external guest network – or even their own internet connection. In addition, Mosaic Connect allows meeting participants to share files within the application, saving time and effort when sharing meeting materials to participants following the meeting.

Mosaic Connect is available as both hardware (through the Mosaic Connect Box) and software. It is integrated into the NEC CB Series and NEC InfinityBoard® Series.

NEC’s OPS slot provides further computational power, enabling users to add a range of Windows 10 professional Slot-in PCs for specific functionalities delivered through a familiar user interface.

“The CB Series is completing our interactive solutions portfolio and offers instant whiteboarding and wireless presentation functionality, including embedded computing power. For customers who need a best-in-class collaboration solution for modern classrooms and corporate meeting rooms, the CB Series offers a value packed collaborative solution including NEC's Mosaic Canvas and Connect software,” said Daniela Dexheimer, Senior Product Manager Solutions at NEC Display Solutions Europe.

“Mosaic Connect offers our customers greater ease and flexibility, being available standalone or embedded in our display solutions,” added Ulf Greiner, Senior Product Manager Solutions at NEC Display Solutions Europe. “No software installation is needed on the sharing devices, and connection is possible across any device and even Chrome browser. Collaboration has never been easier, or the meeting experience more seamless.”

For more information on the entry-level CB Series solutions range, visit the product web pages.

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Dodatkowych informacji udzielają:

Mariusz Orzechowski
NEC Display Solutions Europe GmbH
Tel.: 12 614 53 53

Anna Wrzesińska
Lucky Monday PR&Events
Tel.: 691 769 463

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