
Can your desktop monitor bring more Zen to your workspace?


Bringing a sense of peace and calm to your place of work may help you to focus more and therefore be more productive. Taking a moment to tidy your workspace means you have everything you need to hand but without the distracting clutter. Even this simple preparation of your working environment will give you an instant productivity-boost for the day ahead.

OK, so we may not be experts in Japanese Zen culture, but we most definitely are experts in Japanese technology!

So how can your Sharp/NEC desktop monitor, the precision product of quality Japanese design and engineering, bring more Zen to your workspace?

Clear space, clear mind

By clearing the clutter off your workspace, you can gain more clarity helping you to focus on the task at hand. This commonsense principle is equally valid in a workshop and in your kitchen. You wouldn’t start to prepare a meal without first clearing space on your work surface.

One of the worst offenders for clutter on your desk is cabling. Signal cables, adaptors, power cables and connectivity hubs . . . however creative you are with your cable management, it’s a mess.


By opting for a USB-C enabled desktop monitor you can immediately reduce this cable clutter. Just a single cable connecting your desktop monitor to your laptop or PC will replace the video, audio and power cables.

What’s more, at 65W, the USB-C connection from your Sharp/NEC monitor will be powerful enough to charge your laptop and other peripherals so there’s no need for an additional power cable for your computing device.

Excellent, feeling more Zen already!

Download our handy guide to using USB-C to reduce cable clutter

Freedom to work from anywhere


New hybrid working practices have released us from traditional constraints and given us the freedom to work from anywhere. The old 9 to 5 with its painful commute, packed like sardines on the train or delayed in traffic, is no longer so regimented. It was an unnecessary waste of time and a universal trigger for anxiety.

This workflow flexibility has led many businesses to adopt a hot desking environment in an open office space with a clear desk policy. Workers are invited to ‘Bring Your Own Device’ whereby they simply turn up and connect to a desktop display or meeting room collaboration board with ease. USB-C connectivity is again the vital enabler here; the standard connection will serve any personal device.

With no more connection frustration and the ability to freely choose your place of work without boundaries, the Zen is really building up now!

Read more about how USB-C is the key to frictionless workflows

The Zen of zero waste

We are all striving to reduce waste. Every little action that we as individuals and that businesses take to reduce waste, contributes to achieving as close to zero as possible. The closer we get, the better the prospect for our future.


Our old friend USB-C is the hero again. Less cabling, fewer spares, means less waste. Sharp/NEC’s latest desktop displays feature an embedded LAN, meaning no docking station is required for connection to the network. Not only does the lack of a docking station reduce plastic waste, but it also saves a considerable investment.

Furthermore, the display is optimised for dual- or multi-screen applications with a daisy-chain configuration through DisplayPort-out, meaning no additional cables are needed. The desktop monitor has become the hub of workspace communications, making all that additional paraphernalia obsolete.

Your Sharp/NEC branded monitor also reduces power usage through the Human and Ambient Light Sensors, auto adjusting the display brightness according to user presence and room lighting conditions. Businesses can reduce their CO2 consumption by over 30% with this feature.

There can be no greater Zen value than protecting our planet, so that’s a huge tick for your USB-C enabled desktop monitor.

Find out more about how Sharp/NEC is putting sustainability at the heart of its business model

User comfort and wellbeing


Poor posture can quickly lead to painful irritation in your neck and back. When you’re spending much of your working day in front of a monitor, it is vital to ensure your workspace is correctly set up and that you take regular breaks. Look for a monitor with a wide height adjustability of 0-150mm to create an individually tailored workspace - the last thing you need is more desk clutter with a pile of books to raise your monitor to the required level!

Sharp/NEC’s desktop monitors provide further user-centred features including built-in low blue light and flicker-free technologies to protect the health of the viewers’ eyes and guard against fatigue and macular degeneration.

Enjoy the peace of mind that you have the ideal ergonomic set up and the reassurance that your screen will not cause you irritation.

Meet your Desktop Zen Master

The MultiSync® EA242WU is the powerful all-in-one docking hub display from the popular NEC EA-Series.

With embedded LAN and USB-C, this display serves as a docking hub in your personal workspace, removing the need for a docking station. Not only will you gain flexibility and future proof connectivity, but you’ll also make savings.

The popular 24” display with Full HD resolution is the perfect size for busy office workspaces where the 3-sided ultra-narrow bezel perfectly complements modern interiors, available in black or white.

Fulfilling the demand for future-ready performance and delivering all the trusted quality and reliability of the Sharp/NEC brand, the MultiSync® EA242WU is purpose-designed to maximise office productivity.


Once you have optimised your workspace for productivity with a USB-C desktop monitor, you have taken the essential step towards creating a stress-free environment. Now, let go of what you can’t control, make yourself a cup of tea, and enjoy your new Zen-like serenity as you take on the tasks of the day!

Find out more about the MultiSync® EA242WU

Download the Sharp/NEC pocket guide to our full range of desktop monitors