Sharp/NEC prioritises Sustainability, Security and Safety at Passenger Terminal Expo 2024


Munich April 4, 2024 Sharp NEC Display Solutions Europe will be showcasing the latest innovations in sustainable display and signage solutions at Passenger Terminal Expo from 16 through 18 April 2024 in Frankfurt, Germany. Highlights on stand C70 will pave the way towards a more sustainable future in aviation, demonstrating new energy efficient products such as the dvLED FE Series and the Sharp ePaper displays which significantly reduce power consumption.

Consuming 60% less power than standard SMD technology at the same brightness, the third-generation FE Series with Flip-Chip SMD technology significantly improves energy efficiency whilst also enhancing heat dissipation and durability to further extend the lifecycle for an overall more sustainable solution. To captivate, engage, and inform passengers, the new LED FE Series delivers an uninterrupted visual experience while keeping operating costs at a minimum. Crucially important for large-scale visualisation in airports, the improved design also ensures low electromagnetic emissions allowing for full EMC Class-B certification at module level for safe operation without negative interference with other electronic devices.

Another innovative development towards the carbon-neutral era is ePaper technology. Consuming a remarkable zero-watts during content playback and drawing only minimal power when content changes, ePaper is ideal for static information display – for simple wayfinding, and check-in or gate signage. The low-reflection paper-like surface presents content that appears brighter in high ambient light conditions, with excellent contrast, wide viewing angles, and fine resolution. In addition, the ePaper displays feature an integrated System on a Chip (SoC) for a seamlessly intelligent, secure, and future-proof operation.

Powerful SDM or RPi slot-in computing is seamlessly embedded into Sharp/NEC’s customisable Large Format Displays bringing flexibility and secure protection against cyber-attacks, whilst high quality components and all metal chassis design prioritise fire safety, robust longevity, and the circular economy.

“As the aviation sector looks for efficiencies in ground operations, long-life digital display solutions can offer a reliable easy win, with new technologies significantly reducing operating costs whilst improving the passenger experience”, declares Simon Hayes, Business Segment Lead Transportation at Sharp NEC Display Solutions Europe. “We understand the challenges that airport operators are facing, where sustainability, security and safety are of critical concern, and we offer our aviation customers a trusted long-term partnership on the route to net zero”.

Visit the Sharp/NEC booth C70 at Passenger Terminal Expo in Frankfurt to find out more.

Contacts for further information and interviews:

Ann Kjellser
PR Manager EMEA
Sharp NEC Display Solutions Europe
Tel: +46 72 162 87 19

Madeleine Gritzbach
Account Executive
Tel: +49 (0) 8917301903

Marketing Czech / Slovak
Sharp NEC Display Solutions Europe GmbH
Tábor 44 A
Brno, 602 00
Česká republika
Tel: +420 733 396 861

O společnosti Sharp NEC Display Solutions Europe GmbH

Společnost Sharp NEC Display Solutions Europe GmbH je předním světovým poskytovatelem profesionálních a komerčních vizuálních technologií a řešení digitální reklamy, kterou společně vlastní společnosti Sharp Corporation a NEC Corporation. Sharp NEC Display Solutions nabízí jedno z nejširších portfolií vizuálních řešení v oboru, inovuje LCD displeje, lampové a laserové projektory, dvLED, technologie 8K a 5G, řešení pro spolupráci, kalibrační nástroje, IoT a analytiku řízenou umělou inteligencí. Společnost Sharp NEC Display Solutions je důvěryhodným jménem a poskytovatelem komplexních řešení se silnými vazbami na průmyslové partnery a má pověst kvalitního, spolehlivého a špičkového poskytovatele zákaznické podpory s řadou profesionálních služeb. Organizace poskytuje služby na nejrůznějších trzích a její odborné znalosti zahrnují maloobchod, podniky, vzdělávání, zábavu, dopravu, energetiku, veřejné služby a další.

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